FAINS VEEL 55000, 5 km from Bar Le Duc Z.A. Sous Lambelloup, 9 Rue de la Verrerie
Following successions and miscellaneous
Saturday 24 July 2021 at 2pm
Visits : Friday 23rd July from 4pm to 8pm
And Saturday 24th July from 9am to 12pm
Sale of Vehicles, Jewellery and Carpets
Cars: Audi A5 S-line (2013), Peugeot 202 (1947), Citroën Traction 11 (1956), Fiat 130 (1974), Jeep WILLYS (1947), Peugeot 207 Spider (2007), Renault Twingo phase 1 ...
Jewelry: modern and old, watches including Rolex...
Carpets: Iranian, Oriental, Pakistani, Persian carpets (wool, silk...)
Furniture: GAMMELGAARD reception rooms, INGMAR RELLING armchairs, J.A MOTTE chairs, Edouard DIOT dining room...
Riding horses
According to the sanitary rules applicable in LIVE
In cash - Expenses in addition
Associated Bailiffs and Solicitors
20 Place Saint Pierre - 55000 BAR LE DUC
Tel. 03 59 30 96 10 - ventes@cappelaere-prunaux.com