FAINS VEEL 55000, 5 km from Bar Le Duc Z.A. Sous Lambelloup, 9 Rue de la Verrerie
Following collections and miscellaneous
Saturday 19 June 2021 at 2pm
Visits : Friday 18 June from 2pm to 6pm
Saturday 19 June from 9:30 to 11:30 am
Fairground art : Slot machines : Comet of quails, Genning Blue Diamond, Bergamm
Spinning top, Wheel, American billiards, merry-go-round horses, rocking horses, electronic horse racing game, decorative elements...
Animal bronzes : BARY and COMOLERA
Militaria : collection of First and Second Empire swords: Officer Dragon of the Royal Guard, Officer of the horse hunter...
Weapons : rifles and shotguns
Various military items
Bidders for hunting weapons must register before the sale and hold a valid hunting permit or shooting licence.
According to the sanitary rules applicable in LIVE
In cash - Expenses in addition
Associated Bailiffs and Solicitors
20, Place Saint Pierre - 55000 BAR LE DUC
Tel. 03 59 30 96 10 - ventes@cappelaere-prunaux.com